
DownloadEasyslidesv5.1stSeptember2022–v5.1(seechangelog).SystemRequirements:Windows7SP1,8.1,10,11;4GBmemoryminimum;SoldStateDrive ...,Easislides-downloadthelatestversionforWindowsXP/Vista/7/8/10(32-bitand64-bit).Projectprayers,religioussongsorothertextsintwolanguages ...,Easislidesisasmallpresentationprogramthathelpsyoupresentandprojectlyrics,prayersoranyothertexts,includingoneswrittenbyyourse...


Download Easyslides v5. 1st September 2022 – v5.1 (see changelog). System Requirements: Windows 7 SP1, 8.1, 10, 11; 4 GB memory minimum; Sold State Drive ...

Easislides 4.0

Easislides - download the latest version for Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit and 64-bit). Project prayers, religious songs or other texts in two languages ...

Easislides 4.0 Download (Free)

Easislides is a small presentation program that helps you present and project lyrics, prayers or any other texts, including ones written by yourself.

EasiSlides 4.0.3001

EasiSlides 是在由Wai Kuen Mo開發類別Miscellaneous Shareware 軟體。 最新版本是EasiSlides 的4.0.3001 2008/02/18 上釋放。

Easislides Download

2024年2月20日 — Easislides is a free program that comes with more options than a paid program and it is made to come in your help when you need a presentation ...


Easyslides 5 is a FREE Worship Projection Software designed for projecting lyrics and Bible texts onto a large screen for Christian Worship. Version 4 has been ...

EasySlides 兒童詩歌Folder

EasySlides兒童詩歌Folder (2021年9月更新). EasySlide匯入詩歌Database. ▽先從本網站下載檔案並解壓,你會得到一個XML檔案. 開啟EasiSlides.

詩歌敬拜投影軟件EasySlides 簡介

2016年5月24日 — EasySlides是一個完全免費的歌詞投影軟件,特別為投影詩歌歌站、聖經經文而設。這個軟件支援動態背景,即是以動畫作為歌站的背景。

SideSlide 3.5.10 - 功能豐富的桌面便利貼工具

SideSlide 3.5.10 - 功能豐富的桌面便利貼工具
